“Movement allows us to change our perspective. Movement is life-giving freedom that undergirds meaningful existence. Movement is at the heart of Coreforms and Keywords.”
—Deborah Adams Doering


  1. a set of forms that are the foundation for a cultural, artistic, or scientific practice or curriculum
  2. essential, intimate, innermost, and/or ontological forms
  3. circles, horizontal and vertical lines, swashes, points
  4. zero, one, hyphen, tilde, period (D.A. Doering / DOEprojekts)


  1. words that serve as a key to a code or cipher
  2. significant or descriptive words
  3. words used as reference points for finding other words, or information
  4. any significant phrase, especially one to describe the contents of a document


Deborah Adams Doering investigates Coreforms and Keywords as a point of departure for her work. She partners with Glenn N. Doering, and other artists, designers, writers, and professionals in the socially-engaged art practice, Doering received her Master of Fine Arts degree from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Her work is included in the collection of the Art Institute of Chicago. She has exhibited her work nationally and internationally.